This section presents some background information and a practical assessment. This course aims to have you moving weights with knowledge and practice.
Weightlifting Athletic Circuit 1 is helping you understand about the specific alignment and postures in lifting.
In this circuit the combination of movements is the focus of attention and adding difficulties in mobility and stability.
In this circuit most exercises are learning you to accelerate and decelarate in lifting.
Weightlifting Commences!
Weightlifting From Hang
Weightlifting Completed
In this chapter you learn to make your program with WAC's
Recap & Overview WAC 1
Now you’re ready to do all the exercises one after the other – at the beginning 6-10 slow reps, maybe even holding the barbell at different positions for a few seconds to check your posture, joint positions. Alternatively, you can do every exercise for 30 seconds and build up to 60 seconds.
WAC 1 has learned you specific postural alignments and Olympic weightlifting movements. Some of you may already feel comfortable with this and are ready to go to WAC 2, others can use this first circuit to built up mobility, stability and capacity before starting the next circuit.
Our reference is to be able to do all exercises 60 seconds in a correct form with 10 / 15 or even 20 kg bar before starting with WAC 2.
We are happy to share our knowledge with everyone for free. We believe it’s important to have access to information that supports your development and might help you change or discover new ways.
If you want to support our cause, you can
- High Elbow Pull Wide
- Back Elbow Press
- Overhead Squat
- High Elbow Pull Narrow
- Deadlift
Intro WAC 2