Dutch Strength Junior Lifting [+/-13-17]
Maybe you are interested to get a free introduction with a friend/buddy. Just sent us an e-mail to info@dutchstrength.com with subject “Junior Lifting”. At the home of Dutch Strength we also organise introduction small group classes with some schools. Teachers, you can find our free info about the content here. Feel free to sent us a request by e-mail to info@dutchstrength.com subject “Schoolproject Junior lifting” if you want to co-organise an introduction with us.

Junior Liftingmonday & wednesday 17:00-18:15
In our club members of +/- 13-17 yr can enter the special guided hours, but can also join other activities if they are guided by an experienced adult
At our special hours we have at least 2 trainers to help a maximum of 8 juniors. This is run like you can expect in a class: reserve a spot, login at entering and do the adviced workout. Our monthly fee is € 42,50. Our training can help you also in other sports or maybe you can become our next junior weightlifter! Remark: till 16 year parents/carers can subscribe or meet us.Click here to subscribe directly.Literatuur en dergelijke
- NSCA Wetenschappelijke consensus over krachttraining voor kinderen en jongeren (in het Engels)
- LTAD in hoofdlijnen uitgewerkt voor gewichtheffen (IRL)
- NSCA Uitgebreidere visie op een lange termijn benadering
- IYCA Minimalisering van risico's bij gewichtheffen voor kinderen en jongeren
- Krachttrainen op de lange termijn - Tom Bruijnen
- Krachttraining voor kinderen en jongeren - Tom Bruijnen